Dear friends and new readers,

Having moved to my new house across the farmyard, many things became clear to me. Most noticeable was that the workshops were in a terrible condition: damp patches on ceilings, windows disintegrating and a general air of abandonment. The floors were littered with unsorted boxes from my move intermixed with others full of Cancer Research donations — most of this abandoned because Covid prevented dealing with the outside world.

Things are back to normal now, in this outside world, but in the meantime my life has changed. Foremost is the fact that at the end of this year I will be 80! Not the moment to start up teaching after almost five years away. Another factor is that I met a lovely man right at the start of Covid, and we see each other constantly and are travelling a lot.

I have clung to the thought of my courses because of the many friends that I want to see again. I hope that you will make contact with me, tell me what you are doing and ask me any questions you may have about your projects. My workshop is workable again and I am still raising money for CR UK, sorting and pricing in there with a group of friends. Update on that on its own page. 

Apologies and fondest thoughts to you all,
