If you ever wondered what tools and equipment are needed to work on a dolls house, come to one of my General Courses.

I have electric and hand tools that can be used while you’re here, along with everything you need to decorate and electrify your house with authentic ‘to scale’ wallpapers, and light switches and sockets connecting to fully functioning table and ceiling lamps.

Find out which glues work with different materials. Choose from my extensive range of cherry, mahogany, pine or basswood for furnituremaking, and learn how to finish and polish wood to a professional standard.

You can cut and drill intricate shapes with the small power tools, or make extra windows and walls using my larger tools. After just one course you’ll have a better idea which tools and equipment to buy for your use at home.


“I never thought I’d be using an electric bandsaw, but Pat made it seem so easy”